Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Moon in Scorpio- Debillitated State

Moon in Vrishchik or Scorpio is very interesting. Its said to be debilitated or NEECH when 0-3 degrees in scorpio.

I personally believe and have found in my personal experience of studying the charts that SUN AND MOON are 2 NATURAL LUMINARIES and can never really be debilitated. Their power only gets reduced somehow.

Having a neech moon is not negative. People may have normal life even with this alignment. Moon is about stability. It does not create turmoil in your life.

Moon is about intensity. Moon in this rashi means very vivid mental imagery and a very intense childhood. Mother may be autocratic and in youth you may be rebellious because of this constrained environment. You may become self defensive because subconsciously you are attacking the leashes that ur childhood ambience forced on you. Thats why these people come across as stingy, on the edge and vindictive to most others who  do not understand them.

Debilitated moon is not a debilitated/weak mind. It means a VERY INTENSE MIND, capable of absorbing informations and psychic waves that no normal mind is capable of. Its an investigative mind. In a relationship you talk smartly to find out what makes the person tick. You avoid being controlled and thus get extra information to keep yourself safe.

Uncanny interest in the UNKNOWN, PARANORMAL, TABOO SUBJECTS, METAPHYSICS etc , also make fearless generals and policemen and also attorneys. They are INVESTIGATIVE LITTLE DYNAMOS.

There are 3 nakshatras in Moon in scorpio- Vishakha(ruledby Jupiter), Anuradha(Saturn) and Jyeshtha(Mercury.). Which is the nakshatra your Moon actually lies in will  modify the attributes of the Scorpio Moon too.

Its about passions, passion for finding the truth. You study and analyse with more fierce determination than any other sign. Its a sign of great mental strength. It gives an obsessive, unique mind. JUST BE SURE TO DONT GET ON THEIR WRONG SIDE.

If they love you, they will love you to death, every breath will be filled with your thoughts.
If they dislike you, prepared to HAVE UR LIFE STORY UNFOLDED BIT BY BIT by this intense, digging, sharp mind.


  1. Excellent Analysis,
    First time studying a very acute observation and a different one at that

  2. What if the moon -or sun- is debilitated in the D9 chart, how to interpret that?

    1. There is no exaltation or debilitation in divisional charts 😊

  3. Scorpiomoon TaurusSunFebruary 6, 2016 at 4:34 PM

    I have my moon in scorpio.. when I first found out about this position I was shocked because it is so true!!
    I can find peace with myself now I know where these intens emotions come from. I can be really obsessive if I like something..I want to know everything about it and can spend the whole day searching for the answers.
    Most of the time I will not talk about this I don't talk to much actually haha. But I listen to everything people tell me about themselfs.

    It is a negative quality if you let it controll you. If you know what this position of the moon means you can use it to you advantage. Not to mess with people of course but understand yourself more.

    Since moon is the mind, subconscious mind. it is one of the most important placements. Everything you do start with the moon. Your actions your thoughts your reactions towards others.
    To understand this better you have to look at all the aspects in your natal chart. Very interresting!!

    1. Wow so glad that you yourself have this combination and find my observations true to life. Do carry on intensely exploring your life and the universe. Best of luck !!

  4. Thanks so much for the great explanation! This is probably the first time I hear not so bad news about moon when its debilitated. It refers to an 'intense mind' and not lowest (neech) of any kind!!! Relief! Thanks

    1. No sign is good or bad. It's what we make of the combination by our planetary awareness and then dedicated karma. Best of luck as you match ahead on your life purpose.

  5. If they dislike you, prepared to HAVE UR LIFE STORY UNFOLDED BIT BY BIT by this intense, digging, sharp mind.

    Moon or sun in scorpio people or scorpio ascendant people doesn't scare me with their thirst for revenge. They can keep digging but it will sting them back in the end. Be careful. Don't mess around with uttara ashada people, scorpions or you guys will be burnt by the scorching heat of the sun.

  6. Rachita, dear, you are bang on. What you have written touched me. Thank you for showing the light and explaining so well. I wish people had more compassion than fear for scorpio borns. How do they know they are not scorpios in some way...perhaps sun, ascendant, many planets there or rahu there. Anyway, thank you.

    1. Easily one of the most treasured and lovely comments on my numerous writeups. Thanks a lot. Bless you. Stay connected and guided.

    2. Easily one of the most treasured and lovely comments on my numerous writeups. Thanks a lot. Bless you. Stay connected and guided.

  7. Very good analysis , does it also makes person a bit introvert , very selective and not very open or mixing ?

  8. Hi Rrachita,

    I have moon in Scorpio( Jyeshtha Nakstra-4) in 10th house;House of employment. and currently going through Moon mahadasha. Facing lot of difficulty in my current employment and not able to get a job change. However only one year is left with Moon mahadasha, but going through lot of emotional and other difficulties in my personal and professional life.
    Looking at your analysis, I am sure you have some solution for this condition. Can you please suggest?

  9. Hi,
    This is to Rrachita, I am new to the Vedic astrology thing but find it quite interesting but I don't fully understand esp the Indian terminology. I have my moon in Scorpio and I was wondering can you give me your email in privately so I can send you my chart and u can explain what kind of moon is this and how my mind works.

  10. What about debilitated moon in third house Scorpio in conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo lagna in D9 Chart.Can you please enlighten me about it Mam.please....(moon in 12th house and Jupiter in 4th in D1 chart for Virgo lagna)

  11. Ur instead of Your is really inappropriate for English usage and a poor example for new learners. Please do not use this. It cheapens YOUR message.

  12. I have Sun, Moon, Venus in Scorpio , 5th house. Have to look at the house, aspects and dashas to look at the overall effect.

  13. hello..nicely written post.. keep the good work
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  14. Perfect! I like the perspective you looked at it! GOD BLESS 😙

  15. Only problem with Scorpio Moon people is - they cannot correlate with others. It takes some efforts to enjoy company of others. Yes, aspects and then navamsa can modify this to some extent. They may also lack the social skill set in initial years to decipher the social cues ..verbal & non-verbal.

    But with intense intelligence, they change themselves and becomes adept in understanding others. But they do need some time off to remain alone for few hours. Being 8th house of Zodiac, Scorpio also indicates transformation.

    BTW, as it is on 12th of Sagittarius, the 9th house, the scorpio Moon may not like the ritaulistic religion and try to understand the basics. That way, it is also Neecha for average religious people.

  16. Really helpful and something new and correct information

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  18. Perfect! Very good analysis Rrachita.
