Love is the corner stone of any harmonious home and Vaastu and Feng Shui are potent and interesting tools to be used prudently to enhance the feelings of passion and affection.
When your home is Vastu-friendly:
The directional understanding is the first step towards building a Love Rich home. As per feng shui, the direction of relationships and passion is South West. Look at the diagram below to follow this.
When your home is Vastu-friendly:
The directional understanding is the first step towards building a Love Rich home. As per feng shui, the direction of relationships and passion is South West. Look at the diagram below to follow this.
The element is Earth which signifies the importance of having a well grounded and stable relationship for the emotional well being of a person. Activating this direction brings good luck to romance within the house and keeps the juices of passion flowing.
The bedroom of the master couple in the house should be in the South West Direction. Both Vastu (Indian spatial science) and Feng Shui (Chinese spatial science) agree whole heartedly on the “Direction of Relationships” having its element as Earthy. This is a very interesting observation because out of the 5 elements, Panchmahabhoot, Earth is the only one to be the most well endowed element having the attributes of touch, smell, taste, colour and form. Thus, activate the earthiness of the Relationship corner to keep your Love Life glowing. Let’s go through what an ideal “Love-nest” should be like: |
North East is the opposite side of the NE-SW axis and brings in the positive, refreshing energy that keeps the love alive in the house. Thus this direction should be low lying and designed in a way that maximum fresh air and spiritual elements are let into the house leading to thoughts of monogamy and faithfulness.
Tips for Energising the Love Direction of your Home:
Vastu and Feng Shui are wonderful to manipulate (positively) the energies of your home to let the “Love” elements remain in the environment while the negative ones are flushed out. -Rrachita Gupta |
I m enjoyed Reading this post. This is good and information Vastu Expert. "Ranjna oorhri