Not tomorrow.
Not later.
Not the distance future that never comes and is always moving forward.
My moment is NOW to speak up. My moment is NOW to love myself.
My moment is NOW to honor my heart. My moment is NOW to love my beautiful life giving body. My moment is NOW to choose again.
My moment is NOW to believe I can. My moment is NOW to be willing. My moment is NOW to forgive. My moment is NOW to let go.
My moment is NOW to trust. My moment is NOW to believe in all that’s possible. My moment is NOW to start. My moment is NOW to stop. My moment is NOW to listen. My moment is NOW to ask.
My moment is NOW.
My moment is NOW.
My moment is NOW.
I speak it.
I live it.
I love it.
My moment is NOW in the big and small.
My moment is NOW.
Grab the moment.
It matters.
Our moment is Now...!!!
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