Monday, April 01, 2013

Does Occasional Alcohol affect your Aura?

How does occasional drug and alcohol use affect your vibrational level? Are the affects temporary or are they damaging to your energy?

Both drugs ~ pharmaceutical/recreational ~ and alcohol expands the energy field very rapidly! Our aura is our protection so when we consume something that makes us high ~ our soul energy literally rises out of our body (we get high) and our aura will expand very rapidly trying to contain our energy, which oftentimes, creates a spider web like effect with holes and tears in our aura. Holes and tears in the aura allow negative energies to sneak in. 

Our aura is our protection! Not all drugs (aspirin etc...) expand the energy field.....however, anything that makes you feel HIGH means that your energy is rising and your soul begins to bleed out of the energy field into other people's space ~ and this is NOT good. A few conscious alcoholic drinks ~ with food ~ will not create energy bleeding but more than a few will. It is all about balance and paying attention to your body and how you feel. 

In addition, if you have ever had a hangover or felt the after side effects of drugs then you can feel your level of vibration! It feels terrible.....your vibration is very low. The hang over can be temporary, but if you expanded your energy to the point where you left your body then other energies can come in and make good use of your body! Have you ever watched someone go from happy go lucky to violent in a short period of time while they are under the influence? This is characteristic of energy invasion and this energy will most likely remain with this person until it is removed through some time of energy work or soul clearing. That is why alcohol is called Spirits......

Our aura is our protection! A chemical laden diet, drugs and alcohol, habitual negative thoughts/emotions/feelings, lack of exercise ALL lower the vibration of the energy field and attract lower vibrational energies to ourselves. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you copied and pasted this from Esoteric Online!
