- DINING ROOM in West of house/office is best.
- the head of the family while eating should face east while other mebers can face the East, west or North. No member should face the South because it can cause small disputes.
- The entrance to dining room should be from East, West or North
- Shape of Dining table should NOT be oval, round or triangular. It should be square or rectangular. The Dining table should not touch the wall.
- Water should be in NE of Dining Room/area.
- Wash basin is best located in NW or SE
- The color scheme should be yellow based as it invokes the "UDARAGNI" or Digestive fires and helps better the metabolism of the residents eating in the area.
- Pictures of flowers, foods and fruits helps the environment to be cheerful, promote healthy conversation.
Bon Appetit:)
Couple of days back I got a matchmaking case on urgent basis as fast decision had to be reached. The gun milan was 24/36, both non manglik and most importantly families knew each other and were keen to close the arranged match. My astrological analysis: Though the match was suitable as per data somehow when I did the matching with other planets(which I do in detail in case of match making) I was not convinced but i kept the doubt to myself. But I told the boy's mom that do not invest too much emotionally in this match as fate is playing strong part.
At 7PM today, they were to do final baat-cheet(discussions) so I did a PRASHNA KUNDALI(HORARY) that I normally do for my own study to know whether this match will happen or not. 09.6.14, 18:58 hrs, Delhi. The lagan is Scorpio and lagnesh Mars and though in 11th house its in akarak planet's rashi. Moon the main planet in such horary in in Papkartari yog (12th house enmeshed between malefic Rahu and saturn). The 7th hs Lord Venus is 12th to itself posited with the disruptive Ketu. 10th hs lord Sun( 10th hs causes relationships to break rather than unite) is sitting in 7th house itself. All signals pointing to a FAILED ALLIANCE.
ASTROLOGY MAGIC: the phone just rang at 7:15pm saying that AS PREDICTED BY ME, THE MATCH HAS BEEN CALLED OFF BY THE BOY AND GIRL as BOY WANTS TO GO ABROAD while Girl has India plans.
WWW.ASTRORRACHITA.IN monthly predictions in PRINT for June 2014. Feel blessed and happy to be able to reach out to so many with my ASTRO COLUMN in MERI SAJANI MAGAZINE titled "BOLEY ASTRORRACHITA". Stay guided. Stay blessed